Stefan Frontier Conferences-SFC


La Jolla, CA 92038-2945






La Jolla International School of Science

The Institute for Advanced Physics Studies

La Jolla, CA 92038-1007


It is a strong policy of the SFC to include in the

SFC Books of Reports as many Manuscripts (MS) as possible.

Some  authors need more time for preparation of their MSs.

In these cases the SFC slides the deadline to accommodate the requests.

This, in many cases, leads to a  (significant) delay in publishing process.

Taking into account in-depth-local-research-review character of the SFC Books of Reports, the quality is of ultimate importance as opposed to ordinary conference proceedings, which are published immediately after the conference without a serious editorial work.

Once published, the SFC Books of Reports are highly acclaimed publications, and are of a  long-term importance for the scientific research community.



The manuscripts are published in one of the following  book series:

  •      RESEARCH TRENDS IN PHYSICS ( Stefan University Press, La Jolla, CA)
    (dealing with traditional subfields of physics)

    PHYSICS ( Stefan University Press, La Jolla, CA)
    (biological physics, health physics, environmental physics, technological physics and similar)

    Stefan University Press, La Jolla, CA )


These  series of books are forums for the publication of edited topical books within key fields of physics, interdisciplinary physics, cross-disciplinary physics, and science and technology.. Volumes in the series are based largely on invited symposia organized by the La Jolla International School of Science and The Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, La Jolla, California. These small (up to 50 attendees) select meetings (invited talks are selected by the members of the Science Advisory Board) bring together prominent researchers from around the world to exchange ideas and approaches, discuss critical issues, critique a particular field's present status, and point the way toward new avenues in research.


The contributions are reviews of author's (author's group) research in the past few years. They are elaborated and in-depth presentations of the chosen topics. The length is up to the author(s) and varies from 10 -50 pages. The style is also up to the author(s) (usually it follows the rules for the publication in journal(s) of the most interest for the particular author(s)). The author(s) are encouraged to submit the manuscripts during the conference. However, if this can affect the quality of presentation it is preferable that the author(s) take more time for the preparation of the manuscripts. 


Contributors in the series--all of whom appear by invitation-- are also asked to go beyond the narrow particulars of their work and to reflect on larger questions, problems, and trends. The resulting volumes  document the latest thinking, regarding the current and future states of physics, interdisciplinary physics, and science  research for the international science research  community.


           The manuscript should be submitted at the time of conference (or later) on disk, Microsoft Word (or PDF), or emailed to us in MS Word (or PDF) format.


The publication of the SFC Conference Books is planned to be 3-4 months after the particular conference.


This deadline strongly depends on the time frame the manuscripts are received.

Some of the authors ask for more time to prepare their manuscripts  which is always OK-ed by the SFC.


The most important aspect for the SFC is the quality of the published books,  rather than expedience, as in the case of regular conference proceedings.


In cases when the publication of the particular  MS is urgent the SFC  do not interfere with copyright. In other words the MS can be published in a journal; and, later on,  in a more review-type version of the MS in the SFC Books.


P O Box 1007

La Jolla, CA 92038-1007



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